In an ever-changing world, everything is moving, and so am I. I'm moving between different roles to utilize the best of my expertise and time, adding value. I'm a Consultant, Manager, Entrepreneur, Designer, and Engineer. I'm juggling between all of these roles to adapt to the nature of the problem that needs to be solved and the available resources.
Jack of all trades, master of none. This partially describes my consulting skillset as I acquire a wide spectrum of expertise that enables me to tackle complex business challenges comfortably. However, I am mastering innovation management through education, by having a master's degree in innovation management and training with masters of business innovation like Alex Osterwalder. Additionally, I have honed my skills through practice by consulting multiple incubators, accelerators and startups. My consulting project experience covers the entire innovation journey, from ideation to portfolio management and scaling.
Management is an art and coaching leadership is my style. I began my management career early on, starting as a regional manager for an innovation program. I began by building and managing two teams, responsible for creating job descriptions, recruiting team members, defining strategies, and running innovation programs in two different cities in Germany. After a year, my role enlarged to a global manager to include expanding and managing the program internationally. I was responsible for designing the program and hiring and managing the innovation consultant interantionally. Also, I was the managing director of two of my ventures, covering the responsibilities of managing money and people.
Sometimes you can only make change by being an entrepreneur. This was my main driver to start multiple ventures. It was either to change myself or to cause a change in my surroundings and it worked every time. My entrepreneurial journey started very early as a kid and it has evolved over the years. By far, I have initiated seven ventures, a few has evolved and many have died. Nevertheless, through all of them, I have gained practical entrepreneurial knowledge and experiences. And this has also taught me resilience and adaptability and it gives me the ability to speak the innovation and entrepreneurship language with lots of confidence.
Every successful project starts with a good design. And what could be better than designing for human? Design thinking hs all about purpose-driven design. My training as a designer has always helped me to efficiently channel my energy and frame my thinking to add the maximum value for people. I am a professionally trained design thinker not only that but also a trainer. I coach people on who they can use design thinking tools and methods to identify the right customer needs and design the right products or services that meet these needs. I am also applying these knowledge in almost every project that I'm working on in to add the maximum value to all people involved in it.
Engineering is a mindset. Despite the fact that I hold two Engineering degrees: A bachelor's in electrical engineering and a master in mechatronics I have never had a job title as an engineer. However, this shaped my thinking making me a problem solver and an analytical thinker. My master of engineering in innovation management equipped me with the knowledge and tools to understand new frontier technologies like artificial intelligence inside out. An engineering mind gives me the confidence to navigate through complexity and uncertainty.
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